Customs clearance
Please select the required documents according to your situation:
A. If you are going abroad for immigration: please bring your passport, visa, new purchase invoice, detailed item list, volume and estimated weight list.
B. If you are a resident of Taiwan, Hong Kong or Macao: Please bring a Taiwanese certificate (or residence permit), study or work certificate, new purchase invoice, item list, volume and estimated weight list.
C. If you are a foreigner: Please bring your passport, visa, new purchase invoice, departure certificate (original) detailed list of items (signature required), volume and estimated weight list.
D. Tourism purchases (external personnel only).
Passport, visa, customs declaration, detailed cargo list (signature required), invoice, foreign exchange redemption list.
Note: When the above documents are cleared, the customs must provide the original.
Pick-up at the destination port
When the ship arrives at the port of destination, the local agent will inform you that you can also check the arrival information of the port on the day of the ship's arrival on the ship according to the agent information displayed on the bill of lading. After the customs clearance, the agent will pay the fee. Pick up the goods. If the consignee fails to pick up the goods within 3 days of the working day, the storage fee will be incurred and the consignee will be responsible for it. The destination port customs clearance passport must be consistent with the customs declaration passport of the port of departure and carry a list of English goods.
Pick-up guide for the destination port of private goods
A. If your item is the goods carried by our company for the consignee, the destination port agent of our company will notify the consignee within 2-3 days before the ship arrives at the port of destination. As the party to be notified, the consignee The correct communication method that can be contacted on a normal working day should be provided. At the same time, the consignee can also inspect the arrival information of the goods to the port of destination agent before the ship arrives in Hong Kong according to the agent information displayed on the bill of lading.
B. If the goods have been confirmed to the port, the consignee can contact the agent of our company to change the order and pay the fee. Then the consignee can entrust the customs broker to go through customs clearance procedures, or you can entrust our company's destination agent. To handle.
C. If the customs clearance is not within the scope of our company's carriage, the expenses incurred shall be settled separately with the unit entrusted by the consignee. If the customs clearance is the agency scope of our port of destination, the customs clearance fee will be settled separately with our destination port agent.
D. After the customs clearance of the goods is completed and the relevant port charges are delivered to our agent, the consignee can carry the D/O order to the warehouse designated by our agent to pick up the goods.
E. Note that the destination port clearance passport must be consistent with the consignee marked on the bill of lading and prepare a detailed list of English goods. Customs documents are subject to different destinations, subject to local customs requirements.
F. If we ask our company to do the door, the consignee should send the documents required for customs clearance to our agent in advance. After the customs clearance, our agent will deliver the goods to the designated place of the consignee, but the prepaid door fee is only Including the cost of on-board delivery, if you need to carry it, you should pay the driver accordingly.
In order to avoid the trouble you can encounter in this process, we will do as much as possible for you, please read the notes carefully:
A. Wooden boxes and wooden items in Australia, Canada, the United States, and New Zealand need to be subjected to fumigation and quarantine procedures, such as fumigation of Australian arrivals, and Australian Customs requires CNEE to fill out a packaging statement.
B. The following items cannot be carried out:
1. Counterfeit currency and counterfeit securities.
2. Prints, film photos, audio tapes, etc. that are harmful to China's political, economic, cultural, and moral issues, as well as national secrets.
3. Precious cultural relics and cultural relics that are prohibited from leaving the country.
4. Endangered and precious animals, plants (both specimens) and their seeds and propagation materials.
C. The following items are limited when they leave the country:
1. Gold and silver products should not exceed 50 grams.
2. New Zealand's personal belongings cannot contain any commercial goods (for retail sale), taxable goods (tobacco and alcohol) and any goods subject to quarantine (such as food, meat and beverages), otherwise they will be prosecuted by local customs.
D.货物清关完成后,相关的港口费用交付给我们的代理商,收货人可以将D / O订单运送到我们的代理商指定的仓库来提货。
我们的海运优势航线:澳大利亚、中东、欧洲、美国、非洲、东南亚等,主要与MAERSK、OOCL、COSCO,APL、CHINA SHIPPING、CMA等多家船公司签订长期货运合约
- 为客户提供各种出口业务信息。
- 根据客户需求,可进行国外客户的资信调查。
- 为客户代办出口所需要的进出口许可证、产地证。
- 公司拥有专业的外贸单证经营和加工人员,对外贸单证,信用证,外贸报关材料生产,报关,报关,商业发票,装箱单,验证表,报表要素等进行审查。 外贸检查并审查出口所需的信息。
- 拥有一批高素质和丰富经验的物流专业人才。
- 收费合理,渠道合法,手续简单,安全快捷,欢迎前来咨询
- 我们的操作团队拥有多年丰富的进口报关的经验,能够根据企业的实际情况提供最适当的进口物流方案及专业的进口操作。
- 对于每个客户,公司采用全员跟踪服务,从商务谈判到运营信息反馈,再到后期扩展服务,努力满足每一位与我们合作的客户。
- 中国主要进口地区:湖南,江苏,江西,浙江,福建,上海,大连,南通,宁波,温州,福州,广西,北海贵州,包头,四川;广东东莞深圳广州佛山惠州江门,中山,揭阳,顺德,湛江;
- 主要进口国家和地区有:美国,德国,意大利,英国,法国,瑞士新加坡,日本,韩国,印度,印度尼西亚,越南,巴基斯坦,南美洲智利,香港,台湾;
- 我们公司具有在香港行事的优势。 如果客户在香港没有公司,我们公司可以接受货物,提货,装货,推送,转运,仓储和仓储。 另有香港检验,熏蒸证,原产地证,普惠证等。
- 公司凭借丰富的航运经验,先进的管理水平和优秀的人才结构,为国内外买家,加工企业和生产企业提供国际化,个性化的服务。
- 以深圳、香港、上海为核心、辐射中国境内各个大小城市
- 充分利用整体优势,我们将继续在国内外市场拓展业务。 通过实施大规模经营,多元化职能和国际化战略,逐步建成规模大,实力雄厚,功能齐全,市场竞争优势的综合物流公司。
- 各类海运需求请联系电话:18826441634